It’s fresh, great and to the best of our abilities portuguese. A trip around our great restaurants of fish and seafood
The empire gone (as it should be), Portugal looks at the nation’s borders unchanged for the past eight centuries and sees this enormous coastline. For yes, we know all about proportional comparative exercises. By the rivers or thanks to the Atlantic, we believe to have not only plenty of fish and seafood, but the best seafood and fish in the world. And that belief is shared by nationals and tourists alike.

Fisherman – Armação de Pera
Beforehand there’s a reality check to be done. In sheer numbers Portugal imports the double of the seafood and fish it exports and the most beloved delight of the sea is… codfish, that isn’t even fished in our waters. Of the 200 species that are actually fished in the country we regularly consume about 15 of them. The fish and seafood we import are far from being as good as what our waters give away but even with a firm congregation of meat lovers and an increase in vegetarian fans, we still love our fish e revere our seafood, at home and most of all in the many specialized restaurants all over the country. Since it’s not cheap (far from it), a meal of seafood and fish is almost a ceremonial occasion for the family or the happy couple. And by some mature individuals that remember other times and prices…
We eat fish and seafood as a delight, cooked in a thousand-and-one ways, hardly adorned except for a pinch of salt and pepper, drops of lemon or the joys of butter. And since the product must be fresh and never frozen, by definition all Portuguese restaurants of seafood and fish are bound to be good, if not great. Even if the river is nowhere to be seen or the sight of the Atlantic is too far to be admired. Of course visitors and nationals prefer a fish plate with a view, a mix of seafood in some agreeable terrace by the water, and that’s the way things should be done.

Bacalhau assado

Bacalhau à bras

Cataplana de peixe

So to glorify all the joys of seas and rivers (even if with so unbalanced import/export case we no longer ask questions about the origins of the species served…) the list below will give hints and certainties about the best restaurants of fish and seafood in Portugal. And to add an international twist to it all, have a look at our choice of sushi restaurants.