Restaurants to have a perfect low cost meal in Oeiras, Cascais e Sintra

Since this is a region where there’s always fair weather, locals, visitors and tourists alike try to find all year long the best restaurants with the lowest prices. There are a lot of those, but in Oeiras, Cascais and Sintra it all tends to be kept as a kind of secret. To eat great meals for less than €10? Actually it’s more than doable.

When it comes to gastronomy, Sintra, Cascais and Oeiras are famous for different reasons. One believes in the virtues of big size and small price comfort food, the other assures that with our immense coast line there’s no justification for a plate of fish to become an object of luxury, another just likes healthy food to go along with the river scenery.

Here’s our list of where to eat more than properly and pay less than you really should for a fantastic meal. Mind the doses, by the way…





Check also the 15 best low cost restaurants in Lisbon

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